Suggested Reading (Authors)
- Addictions: Ernest Kurtz; Geneen Roth; Gerald May
- Loss and Grief: Stephen Levine; William Worden; George Bonanno; C.S. Lewis
- Relationships: Sue Johnson; Gary Chapman; John Gottman; Jacob Needleman
- Life Transitions: James Hollis; Sam Keen; Julia Cameron; William Bridges
- Spirituality: Margaret Silf; Kathleen Norris; Angeles Arrien; Jack Kornfield; Ron Rolheiser; Henri Nouwen; Jon Kabat-Zinn
Internet Web Sites
- Alcoholic Anonymous: (
- Amazon: (
- British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors: (
- Canadian Professional Counselling Association: (
- Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association: (
Community Resources
- AA: (Pr. George) - 250.564.7550
- Meditation Classes: - 250.962. 6876
- PG Council of Seniors: - 250.564.5888
- PG Hospice:(Adult and Children's Bereavement Groups) - 250.563.2551
- Domano Renewal Centre: - 250.964.4475
- Phoenix House: - 250.563.7305
- Elizabeth Fry: - 250.563.1113
- Crisis Pregnancy Centre: - 250.562.4464
- Detox Unit: - 250.565.2175
- Addiction/Mental Health Services: - 250.565.2668
- Gay and Lesbian Association: - 250.614.1661
- Crisis Line: - 250.563.1214
"By your own efforts waken yourself, watch yourself, and live joyfully "